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  Help us  

From € 30 donation, you immediately become a member of the association.

If you do not want to to adhere do not hesitate to tell us in "Contact".


Disha house EN

  DISHA House 

"the road"
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Total costs for one little girl sheltered and educated in DISHA project :

135€ per month, or 1 620€ for one year

Average costs per child :

For their roof - 35€ per month or 420€ per year


Rent, equipment and house supplies, hygiene, building maintenance, energy, taxes.




For their food & clothes - 45€ per month or 540€ per year


Three meals per day, proteins, tin boxes, snacks, clothes, shoes and uniforms

For pastoral care - 30€ per month or 360€ per year


Three matajis, or loving « moms », three guards to ensure security day and night and a project manager who coordinates and assumes the management of the program.


For their health & education - 25€ per month or 300€ per year


Regular medical check ups, psychologist, school fees and coaching classes, vocational training, computer, sewing, dancing, arts, leisures and holidays.  

  ASHA project  

"the hope"
Health - 10€ per month or 120€ per year


It is the average healthcare cost for one child : vaccines and regular check ups, teeth, eyes, ears, and medicine when required. Complementary food, vitamins, dairy products and fresh fruits, are given to all Asha children daily. In Winter, they receive warm clothes, blankets and extra food.

Coaching classes - 25€ per month or 300€ per year


Some children cannot enter the school system, they join our program to attend daily coaching class which covers the main school subjects. 


All Asha children receive extracurricular classes, including computer, sports, dancing and tabla music.

Three coaches for computer, dance and sports team with ten private teachers for the efficiency of Asha project.  


Education & coaching classes - 30€ per month or 360€ per year


Private donors can sponsor the schooling of a child, covering his tuition fees, books, uniforms, shoes and school supplies, including the daily coaching classes he attends in our program.  


Costs per child :

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a right
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School education for one child - 25€ per month or 300€ per year


It covers tuition fees, coaching classes, school equipment and supplies, and uniforms and shoes.

University and professional schools - 2000€ to 3000€ a year


Several of our students are ready to enter university and vocational training (hotel management, tourism, accounting, psychology...).
The costs of graduation do not allow us to help with a single sponsoring. They have to be covered by several sponsors. If you can be one of them, please join us !


Water Pumps 

a necessity
Drilling of a water pump - 550€


Can provide potable and free water for 100 villagers.



A motor to restore old wells - 300€


It allows to extract old stones and waste : a restored wells can bring a new life to the whole village ! 

Another example of what what can be done :

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a priority

To care for a child from Disha project150€ per year 


It covers the total healthcare plus a psychologist fees twice a week.

To care for a child from Asha project - 120€ per year


It covers healthcare, annual check ups, vaccines and complementary food.

Our Help Line project - every small donation is a great gift !


It funds and coordinates emergency supplies, medicine and surgery for slum people in dire need. The project provides also food, warm clothes and blankets in Winter.

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"in France"
250 pairs of sneakers for men - 2000€


500 hot meals - 1000€ 


  30 chickens - 70€ 


220 loaves of bread - 38€ 

Examples of gifts you can help us bring to migrants :

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